Matt (boyfriend/coach) and I agreed that in order to be in decent shape to run a 10K at the beginning of June, I needed to run at least 4 days a week with a long run on one of those days.
Monday, April 19, 2015
Tuesday, April 20, 2-15
Wednesday, April 21, 2015
***I really wanted to run Wednesday but my schedule really was not cooperating
Thursday, April 22, 2015
30 Minute Run
Approx. 3 miles
This run was terrible! I ran super-alley thinking a new course would be fun! After 15 minutes, I was laboring pretty hard and hurting pretty bad. I decided to walk for 3 minutes and then cut my pace back significantly to finish out the run. I felt pretty crappy for most of the run.
Friday, April 23, 2015
Saturday, April 24, 2015
Easy 25 Minute Run
2.5 Miles
Sunday, April 24, 2015
45 Minute Run
5 Miles
It is apparent that I did not run on my four days. Definitely something I will be changing next week! June 6 is coming up quick. I need to be ready to go!