Monday, July 6, 2015

River Run Race Recap

Please note the alliteration that is the title of this post ^^^^ Try and say it five times fast...I dare you.

Anyways....The River Run I have wanted to do this race since I was 15 years old but I've never been able to because of conflicts with High School Track or College Track. This year was my year! .....or so I thought.

Side Note
Little did I know that I would endure one of the most challenging, stressful, and sleepless weeks of my newly formed career. Our annual convention took place in Philadelphia the week before the race. I averaged 3 hours of sleep a night, ate unhealthy food at irregular times, was not properly hydrated all week, and was under a ton of stress. To top it all off, I hadn't run at all that week, let alone had much base training in the weeks leading up.
End Side Note

I woke up at 5:00 am as I had been doing all week to eat a banana (which was not enough!!) and head down to the race. Once I arrived, I was instantly nervous. I was not sure how to warm up anymore since it had been several years since I had run a race. My legs felt like cement blocks on the warm-up run and I was feeling pretty tired and sick in the hour leading up to the race. I pulled it together and pumped myself up.

I jumped in the front group at the starting line ( that way less people are touching me) and the cannon went off. I was so nervous, luckily I had Matt there to run by my side every step of the way.

Girl in pink tank top, Right Back = Me

The first mile went really well. I felt great, I ran a really easy 7:50 mile. Mile two wasn't bad either, I had slowed to 8:10 pace just to make sure not to wear myself out since my goal time was 9:00 minute mile pace throughout the race . I completed mile three and everything started to fall apart. 

I was exhausted. I was not getting enough oxygen to my body. It was hard to keep my legs going. I was losing my mental edge second by second. Matt kept encouraging me to keep on keeping on but I wanted so badly to stop. My body was so tired. My blood sugar starting dropping as well ( stupid banana did not energize me enough). It got harder to breathe. My muscles started cramping up....I could no longer breathe....I was hyperventilating and I stopped. Thats when the tears came. I was so disappointed that I was not going to hit my goal time of 60 minutes. It was hard accepting that I may not even be able to finish the race. My body just couldn't do it. 

BUT after a bucket of water was dumped on my head and a granola bar was eaten, I hit the ground running. Literally. I was determined to make up some of the ground I had lost with the previous 15 minute mile. I hit 8:15 pace for the last two miles of the race allowing me to pass quite a few of the people I had been running with before my episode. With a mentality to win, I finished strong battling to still meet my goal time. 

Matt is still by my side! So glad I didn't have to do this one alone! 

I passed him just in the knic of time! 

Unfortunately, my time was 1:04:52, a little slower than my goal time. This put me at 588 out of 1020. Although I fell short of my goals, I was so proud of myself for finishing with a decent time. I made it through one of the toughest races I have ever run. I was able to build a mental toughness by pushing through even when it hurt the most. When I fell (not literally) I got back up and battled for the last two miles like a champ.

I learned a lot about myself from this race. It was not about placing, hitting a certain time, or even just finishing. It was about pushing myself and finding out where I really stand with my running. All my questions were answered that day. I had dug deep and found "that something special". 

New Adventures

I have been absent from posting workout summaries and logging my runs for quite some time now. I have just been so busy with graduating college and starting my new job, there's barely been time to even get my workouts in. 

Things have finally slowed down and I have so many things to share! I've run two races and started some workout classes! I've also gone on several trips for work which led to several running adventures. 

Be on the lookout for new posts! 


P.S Runners don't follow rules. I'll post again when I break free from my prison cell 
(Just Kidding...or not)
